Eleven tales of stolen cars, the thieves behind them, and what these thefts actually represent, are sure to delight readers of all kinds. Plus an essay about the Agatha Christie serial killer.

Click on the cover above to reach the publisher website and choose where online you want to buy your copy. Available in ebook, print, and large-print.

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I think you’ll enjoy “Cool Ride”, my story in this issue. I had fun writing it. I revisit a character who originally appeared in the magazine’s second year. The theme required us to set the story at least fifty years in the past. Teddy Junior, as he was then known, was five years old and having his first encounter with the juvenile justice system.

In “Cool Ride”, Ted Tarrant is seventy-eight years old, and as the issue title suggests, has not spent all of his years on the right side of the law. So what’s he up to now?

In other stories in this issue, you’ll joyride with a woman desperate to escape her past. Deal with car thieves who keep stealing your car for an ever-increasing ransom. Delve into the mystery of a car that isn’t really stolen–it just disappears for a while. Or get into a rideshare car that appears to be driven by a zombie (if you dare…)

Surprising takes on this theme from the twisted minds of the MCM syndicate.


My latest short story “Under the Influence of Elmore Leonard” is in UNLIKELY PARTNERS, the summer 2023 issue of Thrill Ride – The Magazine. I loved writing my story and I enjoyed reading the nine other tales of thriller adventure and mayhem. You’ll have a good time with this anthology!


Click on the graphic above or follow this universal link to your favorite online retailer to buy your copy.


Unlikely Partners, the next issue of THRILL RIDE magazine will be released on June 21, 2023. You’ll enjoy ten tales in which the driving characters are thrown together by chance, assignment, or circumstance. Driven apart by skills, personality, or they just don’t trust each other. Until their lives are on the line and their only options are to cooperate—or die.

Unlikely Partners, Issue #2 of Thrill Ride - The Magazine


My contribution, “Under the Influence of Elmore Leonard”, builds on a five-day assignment I had during the Cold War. I was tasked to handle routine tasks for a senior Foreign Service Officer at an international conference on cooperation and security in Europe.

For this story, I moved the action to West Berlin, added some problematic characters, and let my heroine deal with them. Living out my fantasies is her job. Of course, she headed straight for thriller territory.

Click on the cover above or follow this link to your favorite online bookseller to pre-order your copy of Unlikely Partners and have it sent to you on June 21, the first day of summer.

COMING IN AUGUST: MYSTERY, CRIME, AND MAYHEM Issue # 15 releases on August 15. The theme is Library Cases and my short story, “Snakes in the Stacks”, shares space with eight more stories and an essay,  themed as Library Cases. I’ll post more information as it becomes available.