Help Me Nora – my first legal thriller

Help Me Nora Book Cover

From white trash to death penalty appeal attorney, Nora Dockson is sworn to tell the truth. But will she stick with her oath when only deception can save her innocent client?

This is the first in my series of legal thrillers featuring Nora Dockson. I’m hard at work on Right the Wrong, the second book, scheduled for release in early 2015.

Where to buy Help Me Nora



Barnes & Noble



New Release Date – Coming January 20, 2015: “Blown”

My short story “Blown” is in the Kobo Special Edition of Pulse Pounders, the January 2015 issue of FICTION RIVER themed anthology magazine. FBI Special Agent Dawna Shepherd shares the spotlight with a Polish cop and a pair of spooks in a US-Russia showdown in snow-covered rural Poland.

FR Kobo Special Edition Pulse Pounders ebook cover

Follow the link below to pre-order your copy. My story is available only in the Kobo Special Edition and links to free apps for iPhone/iPad, Android, (Kindle and Nook), Macs/PCs, Blackberry and other devices are available here:

Pre-order FICTION RIVER here.