My third Nora Dockson Legal Thriller goes on sale soon!

Hear My Plea is set for release November 11, 2015.

We’re putting the final touches on the book and I can’t show you the cover yet, but here’s what Nora deals with in her third outing:

An ex-con, Nora Dockson has a soft spot for underdogs like her former cellmate. She got her law degree so she could rescue her ex-cellie and others who made bad deals with a flawed system.

So how did Wesley Mitchell jump to the top of her potential client list?

Mitchell’s no underdog. Man’s so well-connected, for years he evaded punishment for killing unarmed civilians. Only after the FBI and the Justice Department stepped in did a jury find him guilty of two hot-blooded murders. Mitchell deserves his 65-year prison sentence.

Unless the feds fought dirty to convict him.

Nora has to check it out. What she discovers challenges all she believes.

“[A] fascinating … series” — Stephen Campbell, CrimeFiction.FM

Pre-order Hear My Plea now at the advance sale price and save a buck at the following online stores!







Just Released: My ebook short story “Blown”

Blown book cover

FBI Agent Dawna Shepherd is hunting a renegade NSA contractor who blew the whistle on US cyber surveillance of European leaders and was charged with espionage. Now, he’s emerged from his Russian sanctuary to testify at a European Justice Court meeting secretly in Poland. Dawna and her team manage to snatch her target and make a courageous dash through a December blizzard, but a ruthless pursuer is closing in. His goal: kill them all.

“Blown” was first published last January in the Kobo Special Edition of Pulse Pounders Fiction River anthology magazine. Editor and best-selling author Kevin J. Anderson called the story an “entertaining spy caper . . . very real and exciting”. You can buy “Blown: A Dawna Shepherd Short Story” from these ebook vendors:




